I have a knack for re-writing the words to songs, it's easy for me and I have been doing it since my teens. I hear a song and new words pop into my head immediately. I will admit that the words I came up with years ago were not always designed for family audiences, but hey, I was a teenager.
I kept these lyrics to myself, singing only to the radio when I was alone. You see, I know that I can't sing. I entered a school talent show when I was in sixth grade and my teacher took me aside afterwards and gently said "Beverly, I am sorry, but you hit every note off-key" and she was right, I couldn't carry a tune.
But that didn't stop me from composing new parodies, like
the one I wrote a few years ago, about RV'ers heading back home after spending
the winter in Yuma.
I was living in an RV Park at the time and overheard the manager say
"Another one left the park today" and that was all it took. I went
home and wrote Another One Leaves the Park to the tune of Another One Bites the
Dust by Queen. I surprised everyone, including myself, by showing up at karaoke
and singing it. It was the first time I had sang in public since the sixth
grade and no one booed. My song made people laugh. If I had a perfect voice, it
probably wouldn't have been as funny.
Since then I am unstoppable, I write songs about
everything and anything, most of them funny. Sometimes all it takes is a
comment to inspire a song, or a saying on a t-shirt. I written songs for WWII
Veterans, Birthdays, Anniversaries and even a song about Angels (one of the few
serious songs I've written). I've even written a few about Parkinson's. I use
karaoke versions for the music and copyright my lyrics.
They all have one thing in common, they are humorous. Since I cannot upload the songs by themselves to Facebook, Twitter or on here, I make music videos to go along with the new lyrics. I enjoy taking the silly and sometimes unflattering pictures that I use to illustrate the lyrics. Here are three of my songs about Parkinson's, have a laugh on me. Just click the > and it should play the video for you.
Laughing at Parkinson's
My Dopamine
Just Another Day of Parkinson's
I've often wondered what Mrs. Serles, my sixth grade teacher, would say now.
You can find all my videos on my YouTube channel:
Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from Amazon.com or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!