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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

DBS Update: Six Years Later

It has now been SIX years since I joined the DBS "Holes in My Head Club" for Parkinson's disease and I bet you are curious as to how am I doing?

There isn't much change from last year. My DBS device settings are exactly the same as they were last year (1.30 left, 1.90 right) and my generator battery level is 2.76V which is lower than I expected, but still a long way from the 2.59V replacement (ERI) warning. 

I have reduced my intake of carbi/levodopa to one half of a 25/100 pill per day. Yes! You read that correctly, I have LOWERED the amount of Parkie meds I take daily. 

My sense of humor is still there and I try to find things to laugh about every day. My slowness of movement and rigidity are well controlled. I have almost no visible tremor, except first thing in the morning. 

Settings: 1.30 left side, 1.90 right side

I am happy that I have had such amazing results from my DBS experience and am thankful to Medtronic for making this therapy a reality. 

If you want more details, read last year's update: DBS Year Five.

Clicking on the colored words will open a new window and take you to a different story or website. 


  1. Bev that's wonderful to hear your success with DBS. Can I ask how long after you were diagnosed did you have the surgery?
    Kai @ a simple island life

  2. Hey I’ve Parkinsons now 21 years still doing good on medication I’m only 43 years old now me worse symptom is dystonia me tremors are mild til none me hands don’t shake ... I have the Parkie gene ... we do what we can to stay on top of this condition everyday can be challenging but we choose never to give up and smile in the face of Parkinson’s.. humour can sometimes be the best medication ����������great blog �������� Kieran

  3. My neurologist has suggested DBS and it was good to hear about your experience.


