Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Morning After: Size Does Matter

Last night, I had taken the gauze bandage off before I put my pajamas on. I was supposed to wait 24-hours but the paper-tape was irritating my skin.  

I wasn't in any pain, and I'm sure the numbing agent had worn off by now but I took another Tylenol tablet before bed, just in case.

I slept well and spent most of the night on my left side, with a pillow between my right arm and my side. I did wake up once and I was sleeping on my right side and the pillow was down by my feet. I have no idea how it got there. I only felt a little discomfort when I got out of bed in the night to go pee. 

In the morning, I decided to take a look and see what the incision looked like. It doesn't look too bad. Most of the redness is from the paper-tape that held the gauze bandage in place. My skin really hates sticky stuff.

YumaBev's incision, morning after surgery

Wonderful Hubby had already got his shower at the hotel and he suggested I wait until we got home because the water pressure was really strong and the tub floor was kind of slippery. Since my incision looked okay and I wasn't in any pain, we decided to head for Yuma. 

Sitting in the passenger side of the car with the seatbelt rubbing across the incision would be painful, so I drove. We got lucky, all the traffic was going in the opposite direction. We stopped once for a bathroom break and a second time to have a snack and we got back to Yuma just in time for lunch.  

So, which did I choose? Regular or Rechargeable??

Yes, size does matter. I went with the smaller, thinner rechargeable IPG from Medtronic. 

Comparing the sample IPGs

It's hard to tell how big the regular one is, so I took pictures of my old IPG with a standard deck of playing cards. 

It's big! Especially if you are thin like me. I can already see the difference, and I won't need it replaced for at least FIFTEEN years! The surgery was a lot less painful than I expected. 

PS I called to check on Dr. Norton. He's fine and doing extra surgeries this week to get caught up. That man is AMAZING!

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