Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future, My Future

YumaBev's butterfly ring
On July 24, 1985, my Wonderful Boyfriend asked me to marry him. He had bought me a beautifully delicate butterfly ring. I said yes, of course. I love butterflies and I still love my butterfly ring 30 years later. Other than my wedding band (which was my Mother's), the butterfly ring is the only jewelry I always wear.
Our Engagement Photo
On October 9, 1985, my Wonderful Boyfriend and I went to see the movie Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. To be honest, I was more familiar with Lloyd's acting work than I was with Fox's. Sorry, Michael, but I had never watched Family Ties

Back then, I was busy with our wedding plans. I was making my bridesmaids dresses and had started on them the day we saw the movie. 

Lynn, Lani,YumaBev, Randolynn

December 14, 1985, started off with an overnight thunderstorm. Since relatives had come in for the wedding, I ended up sleeping in a different bedroom. The downspout for the rain gutter was right outside and I remember the gravel from the roof making a loud pinging noise as it rattled down the spout. I didn't get much sleep and was concerned the rain would ruin our wedding day.

The weather on our special day turned out to be perfect! Blue skies with puffy white clouds and temperatures in the 70's. At the end of the ceremony we each picked up lighted candles and jointly lit a single candle; two lives becoming one. 

YumaBev and Wonderful Husband on their wedding day! 

As the years flew past, my Wonderful Husband I enjoyed many, many sunny blue days together and only a few stormy ones. We were there, together, when our only Grandson was born. We traveled to all 50 states and made friends all over the USA. We lived in the moment and didn't worry about the future. We were also together, sadly, when we lost people we loved; my Dad, his Son, my best friend Jeremy. 

Newborn Grandson 

I had no idea back in 1985, how much I would end up having in common with Michael J. Fox. I don't remember when I heard that he had Parkinson's (PD). I knew so little about PD then. My only experience with PD involved the elderly customers at the bank where I worked. Their hands shook as they tried to sign the back of their checks.

Even when my Dad got diagnosed, I knew very little. I was, at that time, symptomatic for several years but did not know I had PD. It doesn't matter. What matters now is the future of all the people with Parkinson's I've met, online, from all over the world. If you can afford it, please consider making a donation to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research.

My future with Parkinson's is uncertain, but I know I can count on my Wonderful Husband to be there for me. And he knows, he can count on me to be there for him. We will spend our future, just as we have spent the last 30 years: Together, with Love and Humor. 

30 years later, still laughing and enjoying life, together

PS  October 21, 2105, the Back to the Future II date is also my Wonderful Husband's birthday! 

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  1. You both are wonderful examples of love and commitment.

  2. Your picture so lovely. I like your ring. Such you both are nice couple and big example for everyone.

  3. Love conquers all!
