Tuesday, March 12, 2013

YumaBev becomes the Top Banana

For the last couple of years, I have been attending our local Parkinson's Support Group meeting. I am the youngest member and the silliest one, too. In January, our current leader, Greg, decided to step down and asked me to take over the group. I said yes and within an hour or so, all the official paperwork was done. So, now I was the Top Banana and even had the costume to prove it.

February was my first official meeting and mostly I just gave people information about upcoming seminars, what to do if you have to go to the hospital, the dreaded "exercise is best" talk and threw in some laughs as well. 

NPF's Aware in Care Hospital Kit

At the March meeting, I played my before and after DBS videos and we all sang along to my song parody called Winter Wondering. 

I try to keep the meetings upbeat and informative; this time handing out flyers for a little known benefit that might help some of our Parkies who are Veterans, and another about a USB Medical Bracelet from the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center. 

I'm hoping to get the Mayor of Yuma to come to our April meeting and personally bring the Parkinson's Awareness Month Proclamation. And after that, who knows. Most of our members will be heading back north soon, but the rest of us will find something to do over the long hot Summer. 

You can find all my videos on my YouTube channel:
Clicking on the colored words will open a new window and take you to a different story or link.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Bev! I had forgotten about the Muhammed Ali Medical Alert Bracelet. It is an excellent solution to the problem I blogged about in my "CPR, DBS, and AEDs" Talking Tuesday blog on the Parkinson PANDA website! (Here's the addres in case someone wants to read it: http://www.parkinsonpanda.org/1/post/2013/02/talking-tuesday-cpr-dbs-and-aeds.html)

    Congrats on being named "Top Banana," you busy woman! :)
