Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'd Like to Get to Know You

As the new year starts off, I am thinking about you, the people who read my stories. I know a few of you from the Parkinson's Chat Room, some from Twitter and Facebook, but mostly I just see the country or city/state of your IP address. 

Red dots indicate visitors to my blog

There is someone in London who always gets here from my Handwriting story (that must be what you bookmarked). I have another regular from the Australian Capital Territory. (Could it be Governor General Bryce or her sister, who has Parkinson's?) I have regulars from New York City (Mike Fox?), Washington DC (President Obama?), Beverly Hills CA (Ellen?) and Mountain View CA (Google's Anne Wojcicki or Sergey Brin?). Could any of these famous people read my stories? I doubt it. They are most likely just regular people like me. 

Then there are the people from Germany, Italy, Russia, China and Brazil. How do you decipher my stories. Do you read American or does Google translate really work? And if it does, does it still make sense? I am curious about you.

Everyone who reads my stories knows a lot about me, but for the most part, I don't know who you are. Are you younger than me (52) or older? Do you have Parkinson's, know someone who does or in the medical field? 

I want to know about you. I want to know your names, where you live, how Parkinson's has affected you. I want to feel like we are truly friends. And, if I am ever in your "neck of the woods," I'd like to meet you in person, give you a big ol' hug, and say Have a Happy Parkie Day!

Please share your stories with me. My email address is

Who knows, maybe I will share some of your stories with the rest of the world, unless you ask me not to.

Clicking on the colored words will open a new window and take you to a different story or link.


  1. Good idea (as always) Bev. It will allow your viewers a chance to share their background/stories with you.

  2. Hi Bev,
    Great all us PARKIES should correspond more and share our stories.
    Mark MOTTRAM

  3. Well your never to old to BLOG. Would like to find more of my family tree and find lost relatives. Have already found living cousins. Would also like to hear from all parkies to find out more info on disease.

  4. First time visitor here... the EPDA (European Parkinson's Disease Association) shared a link to the Yuma Sun story, and I got here via that. I have Parkinson's and I'm 41, diagnosed 2 years ago (without too many shennanigans). Oh and I blog, too:

  5. It's just me, Yuma John checking up on a fellow scribbler. 67 years and counting, mysathenia gravis and essential tremor, with my bobbing head and shaky hands people and some medical types confuse me with Parkinsons.

    The Saturday Yuma Writers were discussing online marketing, I sauntered on over here to you8rt site to see what you were up to. Nice digs.

    You will have to come visit the Saturday group, share your wisdom with the newbies. I will be seeing you at the book fair.

  6. Fellow Parkinson's advocate Sarah King here, tuning in from Santa Monica, CA. My mom had Parkinson's--she passed away two years ago. As you already know, I love your blog and share it often! Thanks for what you do, Bev :)

  7. I have Parkinson's and I love your blog I'm Michelle Therres from Canada B.C.Happy Parky Day to you Dear Bev☺
