Thursday, October 18, 2012

Checklist for the Morning of my DBS Surgery

1. Shower and wash hair (so it's clean if they shave it off), brush teeth, skip deodorant and skin lotion as directed in instructions, wrangle stiff limbs into clothing

2. Wake up Wonderful Husband (I bet he didn't sleep much either) 

3. Double check contents of Aware In Care kit and take it with me, including huge "I am allergic to adhesives sign"

4. Put "Who to call list" in Wonderful Husband's shirt pocket along with cell phone

5. Make sure I have picture ID (like an impostor would want to take my place??) and Insurance Card

6. Make sure Wonderful Husband has a jacket (it will be freezing in waiting area), a good book to read (Dutch Island) and some hard candy to snack on

7. Take allowed medications with a sip of water

8. Drive carefully to hospital, this is not a good time to get in an accident

9. I am not sure, but I think the "Don't shave for at least two days prior to surgery" instruction was a mistake, at least in my case

Darn! I forgot to pack my HOT PINK LIPSTICK!

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  1. Bev,

    Thinking of you. Hope that all goes well AND that you recover quickly. See you at YCC.


  2. Bev, keep us up to date on your progress. I'm thinking of you.

