Sunday, June 3, 2012

It was a serious day for YumaBev

Things in my neighborhood got serious this morning, seriously Cereus.  Seven different Cereus cactus plants bloomed early today. Three were in Carole's yard (she lives next door) and four were in Sharon's yard (she lives next to Carole).  I knew last night some would bloom but I was pleasantly surprised when ALL of them did.  I must have taken 50 photos to get the seven ones shown here (even with Image Stabilization, a lot of my shots are blurry).  The first one opened around 5 am and the last one waited until almost 9 am (I guess no one set the alarm).  It was a stunning display of color.  Too bad only a few people got to see them in real life.  Even their owners will only get to see the photos.  Enjoy the flower show, by 4 pm, all of them were closed up. See, there is something good about Parkinson's Disease, I wake up early and get to see beautiful things like this.  Life is good.


Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from Amazon or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!


  1. I didn't know that cactus bloomed, I'm amazed. David

  2. These are stunning photos!!! What a gift! Diane

  3. thanks for those shots. It certainly brightened up the start to my day!

  4. Had no idea cacti produced such glorious blooms. They are not native to the Mississippi I thought they were just prickly nuisances. So glad to see your day turned into one of such beautiful Cereous-ness!!

  5. Absolutely stunning, Bev.
    Thank you for sharing. Your "southwest" pictures are all absolutely incredible anyway..........

  6. wow gorgeous! thanks. I wish I was motivated to get out the house early.

  7. Beautiful. Great Job Bev! Allie

  8. They look beautiful :) Christina

  9. They are beautiful! Each one is a beautiful different color. Good job on the photos Bev! Shirley

  10. they are beautiful.....ty for shareing with us midwesteners.... Doris

  11. These photos by Bev Bev Mittan Ribaudo capture the essence of the desert, harsh yet glorious and beautiful if you pay attention. And she did! Bev captured the "newborn" blossoms on film early in their 6-8 hour lifespan. Amazing. Diane

  12. God is soooo good ~ He had every intention for Ms.Ribaudo to capture "all" the blossoms for us to see ! ! Even she was surprised ! Linda

  13. SO beautiful Bev :) LOVE these blooming cacti!

  14. Oh, Bev. These pictures are wonderful!

