Wednesday, April 4, 2012

According to Rush, a poem by YumaBev

In March 2012, Michael J. Fox appeared on CNN.  The remarks made by Rush Limbaugh calling Mr. Fox's excessive Parkinson's Disease movements "fake" was brought up AGAIN.  Mr. Fox said as a celebrity, those kinds of remarks were just part of the job and I agree with his reasoning.  However, as a non-celebrity Young Onset Parkinson's Disease patient, I felt as though Rush was calling me and every other Parkie out there fakes as well.  

I wrote my own response to Rush Limbaugh in the form of a Poem and then I recorded myself reading it. Take a look, it is less than 2 minutes long.  

It's bad enough that sometimes our Doctor's think we are faking symptoms, when all we want is answers. Some Parkies have been told by their employers and their own families they are faking.  We are not faking anything.  Trust me, if I could stop the movements, I would, but I can't and people calling us fakers is just not right.

If you agree with what I had to say, please pass it along. Thank you very much.  

PS  April is Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month.

You can find all my videos on my YouTube channel:
Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!


  1. Thank you for speaking out.

  2. Beautifully done, Bev. You said it all.

  3. Great job, Bev! According to me, Rush is an idiot...I guess that wasn't nice of me to say. He needs to be educated about Parkinson's. And...He needs to apologize to Parkies everywhere.

  4. Wonderful. My grandfather had Parkinson's. Great to see you speaking out!

  5. Thanks for this Bev! I too was very offended but you put it all right back at him...well done

  6. OUTSTANDING POEM! I love it! Rob

  7. Can you believe there are people that actually believe everything he says is the truth?! No wond er there is so much ignorance . Gee Rush. That means you were faking your addiction to drugs. Anything for ratings! Signed by a Parkie.

  8. Great! I'd like to see Rush stand in my shoes for just two minutes. I wonder what he'd have to say then! EB

  9. Rush has lost his mind. If found please destroy. Only a good mind is sad to waste. Mary

  10. BRAVO Bev You've did it again you put into words so well how all of us feel. Catherine

  11. Everyone who is a friend of mine must watch this. Bev is an incredible woman who I've written about before, but her message to Rush Limbaugh is so important. This made me cry. I hate Rush Limbaugh, absolutely hate him. He is a poor excuse for a man.

  12. Rush is a charicature a man who cares less

    if he tells the truth or hurts us en masse

    as far as im concered and supposse you as well

    he would do us afavor if he'd just go to hell.

  13. I can't say enough how much I LOVE this!! Get him, girl!!! LOL

  14. very nicely done!!! Thank you.

  15. This is so wonderful, Bev. I wish you could get your local news to do something with this. Do you think you can?

  16. To all my friends please listen and remember how the fake remark must hurt when we can't do anything about it but shake and NO Rush we are not FAKES

  17. Only when someone has walked in another's shoes will they understand. But God understands and will always be there

  18. thank you Bev, perfect

  19. give my tremors to rush....see how he feels..

  20. He can have my tremors too! In fact he can have the pain in my muscles, the bendy toes, my shuffling walk, lack of dexterity, the choking on food or my own saliva, insomnia, exhaustion, you know what - I'm feeling generous - he can have it all !!!!!!!!!! He needs a swift boot in the a$$

  21. Nice job Bev. It’s people like you that keep folks in-line. Keep up the good work,

  22. Great job Bev. I enjoy reading all your blogs and really loved this poem.
    Jon M.

  23. Rush your are cordially invited to the octagon in Bully Beatdown where I will personally administer the payback.

  24. Thanks for pointing out what a complete Jackass rugs limpaw is. We'll be riding for you (and my dad) in the upcoming Copper Triangle bike tour this summer here in CO, to benefit PD research and put on by Davis Phinney and friends.

  25. I'm not young, but I have Parkinson's. Rush is into controversy because it brings ratings. He has no shame, but if he was ever diagnosed with Parkinson's he would cry like the baby he is.

  26. Bless her heart!

  27. She is so beautiful and he is so ignorant!

  28. I have some friends who have Parkinsons and I KNOW they don't fake it. Rush Limbaugh is so famous for his diatribes we've even heard of him in Australia! Unfortunately, to most Australians, Rush is also known as a "Wanker". And for those who don't know what that is, if he was to do this in public in any state in Australia and probably in the USA as well, he would be arrested for indecent exposure.

  29. Thanks for the inspiration to fight against what I see as pure evil, Rush Limbaugh is very evil.

  30. Love you Bev Mittan Ribaudo! You are making a difference for us all!

  31. I Loved it Bev, you ROCK!!!! :)

  32. That's great, Bev!! I agree with everything you said, except the part about you not being a celebrity! ;o) You give Parkinson's a voice, and a humorous one, and for that we all celebrate you!
    Upstate SC Young Onset Parkinson's Group

  33. well said Bev!! I know exactly where your coming from. when you freeze, you freeze.and when the dyskenisa gets going you cant stop it.My name is Alice Lake, diagnoised with pd at age 40. I'm in my 15th year and attitude plays a big part.
    I really enjoy your readings. Keep the humor going!

  34. Excellent poem and blog post Bev. I see "According to Rush" t-shirts on the horizon. I'd buy one!
    LouLou via Twitter

  35. This is the best. I belong to the Flush Rush group. I hope you will let us share this with his sponsors. We try to convince them to drop their ads and stop sponsoring hate speech against women, minorities and the disabled. You are an inspiration.

  36. Most people say they would not wish this on their worst enemy, but in RUSH'S case I might make an exception.

  37. My old Neurologist thought I was faking some things as well. That is why I changed. Before I left, I told him to listen to his patients because they are the ones going through this journey, not him.

  38. That is so upsetting, YumaBev, I highly respect and admire you for all the information you post about Parkinson. Thanks for poem! You have a Happy Parkie Day!

  39. I had a girlfriend who mocked me a few times and one time angrily saying I was 'playing the martyr' when I said I couldn't drive one day cuz my arms shook too much. I was very distressed that day and ... well, I know how people just do not able to empathize with us PD's ... another time I was exhausted as you can be sometimes with PD & she angrily said ' stop playing the disability card' when I was just too fatigued to walk to the pub. So, yeh, so it is. and ever so exhausted now

  40. Michael J Fox cannot control his symptoms and side effects any more than an overpaid, blow hard, prescription opiate abuser can prevent feces from falling out of his mouth when he speaks in public.

  41. Excellent poem and yet I still wish Rush could spend a day in our shoes. Is there anything that comes out of the man's mouth that is not stupid?

  42. What would he say about Muhammad Ali?

  43. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Thanks for speaking out. It's more than enough to have the disease. Being accused of "faking" suffering is so mean and unfair. All I can say is that what goes around comes around. Our suffering makes us more compassionate, kind people. What do his comments make him? I wouldn't want to trade places, especially when I die!

  44. Rush is a man who speaks rubbish. He talks about so many things, I think if he was to sit down with a room of us parkies. Especially young onset like me. I was 39 when I was diagnosed. Now 41 he might get a better understanding but. No who am I kidding he will say we are just over medicated or were paid to have tremors. I can't go to restaurants hardly anymore with out people staring at my tremors. John
