Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day Three of My Vacation from Parkinson's Diesease

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012, Day Three of my vacation from Parkinson's disease started early, at 5 am with terrible leg cramps again.  IF you are lost read Day One and Day Two

Before the spray
Lynn wanted to get some tan while she was here, but the weather wasn't cooperating, so I called and made appointments for both of us at Sprayed Rayz, to get spray tanned. It would be a "girls" thing (her Dad stayed home). I picked her up at the hotel at 11 am. Neither one of us had ever done this before, so I went first. Jonna was patient with me and managed to follow along with my wiggling body (the dyskinesia didn't get the NO PD memo either) and then it was Lynn's turn. The instructions were to wait six to eight hours before rinsing off and we looked like we had rolled in mud. 

What the heck, Lynn said. I don't know anyone in this town, let's go pick up my Dad and go eat, so we did. He said he'd never had lunch with two pretty mud wrestlers before (ha ha, his attempt at humor). We ate at our favorite local Italian restaurant, Da Boyz and then we went over to a casino nearby.

all tanned up
Since Lynn was a new casino visitor, they gave her $10 to play with.  I'm not sure, but I think she won enough with their money to pay for most of her Mexico treasures. After awhile, it was approaching "rinse the mud off" time so we headed back to the house, stopping to pick up some Subway sandwiches on the way. I rinsed off first and was pleasantly surprised at how natural my new tan looked (not to mention the lack of tan lines, hee hee). Lynn rinsed off next and she was just as pleased.  

We spent our last evening together just sitting around and talking and once again, we took her to her hotel at 11 pm.

I had survived another vacation day from Parkinson's and I was tan, can't get much better than that.

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from Amazon.com or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!


  1. I love your stories and you, Bev! You are just too sweet! So glad you "girls" had a wonderful time!
    Linda G

  2. I love your posative attitude in a very difficult situation.........enjoy. The BEST day is near. My wife's birthday is Sept 18th so we will be thinking about you.
