Monday, February 6, 2012

Da Gold Medal

On Friday night, February 3rd, 2012, my Wonderful Husband and I got together with 10 of our neighbors and went to our favorite restaurant, Da Boyz, located in downtown Yuma, Arizona.  They have excellent Italian food and we go often, usually in a gang of 6 to 20.

Marilyn Deer
We made reservations ahead of time and got the Marilyn Monroe room. This room has pictures of Marilyn all over the walls and even a Marilyn deer (it's a buck, which makes it even funnier). They also have an Elvis room and a Pack Rats room, but I like the dolled up deer (it shows they've got a sense of humor).

Lasagna, yummy!
I love their lasagna, it's almost as good as my Wonderful Husband makes, and I don't have any clean up to do afterwards.   I also like their black & white print plates.

Some of our Gang enjoying dinner
Our waiter was a young man named John and I'm not sure he knew what to make of us, we are a pretty silly bunch.  I took him aside and told him not to pay attention to anything we said because we just got released from the sanitarium.  I think that he might actually have believed me.  

Our Gang will throw a party at the drop of a hat.  We have had a "Cut the tie off the new Palm Tree" party, a "Got a new dining room table" party, and even a "what the heck, it's the last Thursday of the month" party.  If we can't come up with a reason, we'll make something up or drop a hat.  My blog reached 10,000 hits a few days before so this was a 10,000 Laughs party (and a good excuse to eat cake)! My friends teased me and they said I looked pretty good for being "hit" so many times and that I was "one tough cookie" for laughing at my Parkinson's Disease.  

Sharon presenting the Gold Medal
My Wonderful Husband didn't tell anyone the reason for this party, it was going to be a surprise, but I got surprised instead.  My neighbors had decided that I deserved a gold medal and they presented me with one.  It was a grand ceremony and even though it was just the logo cut off a sack of flour and glued to a blue ribbon, it meant the world to me and I will treasure it always.

After the presentation, however, I became a big old softy.  I tried to tell them how much their friendship meant to me, but I got all choked up and couldn't get the words out, instead tears ran down my cheeks, but I was laughing inside.

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!


  1. Congrats on reaching 10,000 hits. It's so great that you have such a good group of friends!

  2. I love the humor of this group and often pass it on to members of my support group. Keep up the good work. B.

  3. National Parkinson Foundation. Congratulations on 10,000 hits!
