Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Mr. Muhammad Ali

Dear Mr. Muhammad Ali,

Happy Birthday!  I hope you have a wonderful day.  You live just a few hours away from me, in Phoenix Arizona, and I doubt that I will ever meet you, but you are my inspiration.  You have never complained about having Parkinson's Disease.  You take it in stride and go with the flow.  You seem upbeat and have a sense of humor.  The way you handle being a Parkie is exactly the way I try to handle it and it is an honor to be included in the same Club Parkinson's as you.

Sincerely yours,

Yuma Bev

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from Amazon.com or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!

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