Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Sturdy New Desk

tiny desk in RV
My Wonderful Husband and I lived and traveled in a RV (recreational vehicle) for 16 years and the total living space was about 200 square feet, so my computer desk was very small.  Everything was small, but we were fine until my strange unknown illness made it difficult to navigate the tight hallways and I could no longer safely drive the truck and tow the RV.  

We then moved into a Park Model RV (a park model is a small manufactured home designed to be set up in a RV Park) which has about 400 sq ft of living space and my computer desk was still small.  I was living here when I finally got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and stayed until those tight hallways and entrance steps became problematic.  

I now live in a normal size home, but I was still using the tiny homemade computer desk and normally that wouldn't be a problem, but I wobble, I really wobble, and I needed something much sturdier for a desk. 

I went shopping and found nothing I liked.  The desks were too big or not sturdy enough.  The Thrift Store Queen in me took over and I went to my favorite store, The Salvation Army, and found the perfect desk for me. It was real wood, so I bought it and got it home.

There are 2 things that I have always been good at:  Directions (GPS - 'girl passenger speaks' is a nickname) and Wiring (you name it, I can figure out how to wire it so it works). 

New desk 
I got down on the floor and started unhooking all the wires for the computer and everything else in that corner.  My Wonderful Husband then moved the old desk and put the new desk in place.  It fit, yippee, but it was 8 pm and I was worn out, so we decided to leave the rest until morning.

Guess what folks? Yup, I woke up at 4 am as usual and decided not to wait for Wonderful Hubby to wake up.  Heck, I was feeling limber, and I missed being online, so I got down on the floor and crawled under the desk and started wiring everything back.  Normally, that is a 5 minute job (keyboard, monitor and mouse), but not in our house.  My computer is connected to the usual items, plus a mixer, amp, karaoke machine, big flat panel TV, wireless speakers and 4 regular speakers.  The Wonderful Hubby and I share a printer, router and modem, and our computers are inter-connected as well, so it looks like wiring for the space shuttle back in that corner.
Sleeping by desk
I got everything hooked up and all the wires nice and neat and it was only 5 am, so I decided to go back to bed.  OOPS! I can't get up off floor; I've been down there too long.  I can't even pull myself up using the new desk.  Fortunately, I had put the nice thick bathroom rug down before I started and I could grab the pillow off my chair, so I just curled up and went to sleep. 

My Wonderful Hubby came in and took the picture (he knew it would make a blog story), then woke me up, got me up and all was well.  He even found a spot for the old desk; I use it for the Chat Room with a laptop.

PS Below is a picture of our RV and truck.

Clicking on the colored words will open a new window and take you to a different story or link.

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it. This is just one of a hundred stories in my book, Parkinson's Humor - Funny Stories about My Life with Parkinson's Disease. Please consider purchasing a copy from or your favorite online book seller. Thank you and have a Happy Parkie Day!


  1. LOVE the blog! Can relate to most things; but we don't have RVs here; just caravans and campervans; can't visualise rooms and corridors.
    BLOG on; mine is winding up..

    Karyn from Melbourne, Australia, NOT Florida.

  2. Always something new to brighten up my day, ty Bev, hugzzzz, me and James have matching desks that take up a corner and a half of the room. I love mine it's huge :) Catherine

  3. I've done that before!!! Glenda

  4. Sleeping anywhere is good! Hope you enjoy the new desk!

  5. Too funny! What a great way to just “go with it”, grab a pillow and sleep!
