Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Cure for Parkinson's Disease?

I get them weekly. They come via email or through social media but most arrive as comments on one of my blog stories. They usually send several with the exact same wording, because the sender doesn't understand why their "comment" isn't showing up at the end of the story. 

They don't know that I read every comment before approving it to be published. This is not to filter out any negative comments, but it is to filter out obscene (yes, I do get x-rated comments!) or predatory ones.

They usually start like this:

I was told by doctor that I had Parkinson many year ago with horrid shaking. I was given medicines that caused bad problem. Then I found Dr. X's herbal treatment and within days, I was completely cured. Dr. X tried to market his cure but was refused by the government. I will share secret with you. Go to website or call this number. 

These messages always have misspelled words and improper grammar and the cure always seems to happen within days of taking this 'treatment.'

IF you go to the website, you will see that this same treatment also helps every other ailment out there. Notice I said 'helps.' The website will be very careful about using the word cure. You have no idea what exactly is in this herbal treatment. If you spend the money (which is never inexpensive) to buy this stuff, you may be ingesting harmful ingredients. And if you do feel better, it's probably just a placebo effect that won't last.

Don't be an April Fool, beware of snake oil salesmen.

If there ever is a proven cure, trust me, the Michael J. Fox Foundation will know about it.