Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving...Sleeping In and Eating Way Too Much

When I woke up Thanksgiving morning, at 8 am, I asked my Wonderful Husband to name five things he was thankful for. I had already been thinking of my five before I'd gone to sleep the night before.

YumaBev's list: 
1. I am thankful for my Wonderful Husband. He is my best friend and I cannot imagine life without him.
2. I am thankful for my step-daughter and Grandson. They live 2000 miles away, but we still keep in touch.
3. I am thankful for my neighbors. We spend a lot of time together socially and they accept me just the way I am.
4. I am thankful for all my Twitter and Facebook friends and for all the friendly people I've met over the years.
5. I am thankful that I found good Doctors, who genuinely seem to care about me.

My Wonderful Husband's list:
1. He was thankful that, as of my last mammogram in September, my breast cancer had not returned.
2. He was thankful that, after a very rough year of multiple scalp surgeries, my head healed and the DBS was doing it's job.
3. He was thankful that I found a Doctor who knew my DBS settings could cause depression and how to fix it.
4. He was thankful that it seemed like my Parkinson's had not progressed.
5. He was thankful that his daughter and Grandson were doing well and that we had lots of nice friends.

I was surprised that my health was such a concern, but then again, I shouldn't have been. I remember when HE had some health issues, it was ALL I could think about and I was very thankful when he got well. I will let you in on a secret; every time I wish on a falling star or when we pull apart the wishbone from a turkey or chicken, I always make the same wish. That we both will stay happy and healthy for many years to come.

As I went for my morning walk, I could smell turkeys roasting and pies baking all over our neighborhood. By the time I got back home, I was starving, but since dinner wasn't until 3 pm, I tried to hold off having my breakfast. This lasted until Wonderful Hubby decided to make eggs for his breakfast. The smell wafted back to the computer room, so I sat with him and ate my cereal (he'd have made eggs for me, too, but I prefer cereal.)

Around 2 pm, we walked over to our neighbors, George & Freida's for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. There was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, corn pudding, cranberry sauce, broccoli salad, rolls and two kinds of homemade pie. It was enough food to feed a dozen or more people and yet, there were only five of us. Another neighbor, Carol, joined us. We all have family, but none are nearby, so we usually spend the Holidays with each other. Needless to say, there were plenty leftovers to take home. 

It was a very nice day and I was thankful we got to spend it with very good friends. Two days later, on Saturday, we were invited to a second Thanksgiving dinner with some other neighbors, Norm & Alayne and their cousins. Once again, there was way more food than nine of us could eat, but we had a great time, lots of laughs and enjoyed meeting some new friends.

I hope everyone had a thankful Thanksgiving and spent it with friends, like we did, or with family.